to overtake / to catch up with / to hurry / to rush / to try to catch (the bus etc) / to drive (cattle etc) forward / to drive (sb) away / to avail oneself of (an opportunity) / until
Guy Fawkes (g) is taking part in a nordic walking (走) marathon. The route leads through the anthill (an3) and inside there are lots of dried fruits (干) in the bar for the walkers. As Guy Fawkes passes through, he hurriedly (赶) prongs a lot of dried fruit onto his nordic walking poles (走) before the bar owner rushes (赶) him out.
to overtake; to catch up with / to hurry; to rush / to try to catch (the bus etc) / to drive (cattle etc) forward; to drive (sb) away / to avail oneself of (an opportunity) / until; by (a certain time)
to come / to arrive / to come round / ever since / next
Mnemonic symbol: mailwoman. Sir Lancelot (l) is visiting the mailwoman (來) in the airplane's kitchen (ai2). As a gift, he brought a Christmas tree (木) decorated with rubber chicken (从).
Mnemonic symbol: mailwoman. Lancelot (l) is super happy that his inflatable crocodile (丷) and live size Ai Weiwei (未) puppet finally arrived (来). The mailwoman (来) delivered them straight to the kitchen of the airplane (ai2).