
Characters and words in 老天爷

prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity / old (of people) / venerable (person) / experienced / of long standing / always / all the time / of the past / very / outdated / (of meat etc) tough

= + : Lancelot (l) is showing his respect to grandpa (老) in the aorta's living room (ao3). He's bowing deep and offering a crown (⺹), but grandpa refuses by hitting Lancelot on the head with a ladle (匕).
God / Heavens
day / sky / heaven

= + : Mother Teresa (ti) programmed a robot (大) to play a flute duet together with her in front of the anthill (an1). As they play their flutes (一) an angel (天) hears their heavenly tune and descends from heaven to listen to them.
grandpa / old gentleman

= + : Maud Younger (y) hands her new baby seal (卩) over to her grandpa (爷) and his boyfriend, Father Time (父). She gives them the baby seal to look over it for the weekend in the elevator's kitchen (e2) and then quickly runs away to party all night long.

Words with 老天爷

lit. heaven won't let the sparrows go hungry (idiom) / fig. don't give up hope / if you tough it out, there will be light at the end of the tunnel

Sentences with 老天爷

老天爷 currently does not appear in any sentence.