
Qiufen or Autumn Equinox, 16th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd September-7th October

Characters and words in 秋分

surname Qiu

= + : The Queen of Hearts (qi) celebrates autumn (秋) by offering sacrifices. She puts a bowl of cereals (禾) onto a swing (秋) and has the cereals swing into a fire (火) in front of the outhouse (ou1).
autumn / fall / harvest time

= + : The Queen of Hearts (qi) celebrates autumn (秋) by offering sacrifices. She puts a bowl of cereals (禾) onto a swing (秋) and has the cereals swing into a fire (火) in front of the outhouse (ou1).
old variant of 秋[qiu1]

= + : The Queen of Hearts (qi) celebrates autumn (秋) by offering sacrifices. She puts a bowl of cereals (禾) onto a swing (秋) and has the cereals swing into a fire (火) in front of the outhouse (ou1).
see 鞦韆|秋千[qiu1 qian1]

= + : The Queen of Hearts (qi) celebrates autumn (秋) by offering sacrifices. She puts a bowl of cereals (禾) onto a swing (秋) and has the cereals swing into a fire (火) in front of the outhouse (ou1).
to divide; to separate / to distribute; to allocate / to distinguish (good and bad) / (bound form) branch of (an organization); sub- (as in 分局[fen1 ju2]) / fraction / one tenth (of certain units) / unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm / minute (unit of time) / minute (angular measurement unit) / a point (in sports or games) / 0.01 yuan (unit of money)

= + : Symbol for this character: A stopwatch (from the meaning "minute"). Frankenstein's monster participates in the annual championship of chopping eightballs in front of the encampment. Using a cleaver, he chops as many eightballs as he can in one minute.
part / share / ingredient / component

Words with 秋分

Sentences with 秋分

秋分 currently does not appear in any sentence.