low / beneath / to lower (one's head) / to let droop / to hang down / to incline
Dorothy Gale (di) and Rosa Luxemburg (亻) are in a hopeless situation. They are hanging down (低) from a foundation (氐) floating in front of the space station (Ø1) and away from it. In this hopeless situation their moods are very low (低) and they let their heads hang down (低).
to bewilder / crazy about / fan / enthusiast / lost / confused
As Marilyn Monroe (mi) is unsuspectingly walking just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2) she is hit by a falling sack of rice (米) so hard that she is knocked out of her gladiator sandals (辶). After she wakes up from a short coma (迷) she wonders where the sack of rice found so much gravity.