Maud Younger (y) put the wisdom tooth (牙) she recently lost on a sheet of artificial lawn (艹) in the ashram's kitchen (a2). The artificial lawn is supposed to act as nurturing substrate, and indeed, the next day the wisdom tooth is already germinating (芽) and developed a new bud (芽).
Maud Younger (y) used to create fake chocolate bars (厓) in the ashram's kitchen (a2) by having jade tablets (圭) run through a chocolate factory (厂). She was found out though and pushed over a cliff (厓) as punishment.
Maud Younger (y) has been eating chocolate bars (厓) with a fork (山) in the ashram's kitchen (a2) for hours now. She throws the packaging just over her shoulder, where already a precipitous (崖) cliff (崖) has formed from all the plastic.