Character component without intrinsic meaning

= + : Mnemonic symbol: someone with sick wuxia skills, because wuxia heroes fly fleet-footed. Cupid (qu) is practicing his wuxia (夋) skills in front of the Forbidden City ((e)n1). His speciality is his runny nose (允) of which he wields the snot gracefully leaving any enemy paralyzed in disgust. He is also wearing high heels (夂) while soaring through the air.

夋 character breakdown

just / fair / to permit / to allow

= + : Sun Wukong (儿) has a runny nose (mnemonic symbol for 允) and is constantly blowing his nose in the encampment ((e)n3). Yu the Great (yu) is very annoyed and tells him that it is not allowed (允) to blow one's nose in the encampment. Instead she hands him a fake nose (厶) with which he is to hide his real nose.
"walk slowly" component in Chinese characters / see also 冬字頭|冬字头[dong1 zi4 tou2]

= 丿 + : Mnemonic symbol: In high heels, one can walk only slowly. James II of England (zh) is wearing high heels (夂) inside the space station's living room (Ø3). He's not only walking slowly (夂), he even slips on a banana (丿)! He's lucky to land on a boxing glove (又) though.

Characters with 夋 as component

sour / tart / sick at heart / grieved / sore / aching / pedantic / impractical / to make sarcastic remarks about sb / an acid

= + : The rooster (酉) and Susan Saint Bernard (su) where once friends, but recently they haven been fighting over a lover. Because they are both wuxia (夋) superheroes, they have been fighting for three days in front of the anthill (an1) without determining a winner. Finally they decide to settle their sour (酸) dispute and share a tart (酸) tarte to renew their friendship.
(dialectal pronunciation of 俊[jun4]) / cool / neat
variant of 俊[jun4]

= + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) and Zeus (j) are practicing their martial arts skills (夋) in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They are both very handsome, smart and talented (俊).
old variant of 俊[jun4]

= + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) and Zeus (j) are practicing their martial arts skills (夋) in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They are both very handsome, smart and talented (俊).
smart / eminent / handsome / talented

= + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) and Zeus (j) are practicing their martial arts skills (夋) in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). They are both very handsome, smart and talented (俊).
(of mountains) high / harsh or severe

= + : Zeus (ju) is practicing his sick wuxia skills (夋) in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4). He set up a giant high (峻) fork (山) in the middle of the room and is flying fleet-footedly (夋) from one tip of the fork to the next. If he fell down from one of the high tips the consequences would be very severe (峻).
complete / finish
spirited horse
shuttle (textiles) / to move back and fro
to deepen (e.g. a ditch) / to extract / to manage / ladle (old)
variant of 浚[jun4]
carboxyl radical (chemistry)

Words with 夋

夋 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 夋

夋 currently does not appear in any sentence.