
Characters and words in 鬥牛梗

to fight / to struggle / to condemn / to censure / to contend / to put together / coming together

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a 斗牛士 (dou4 niu2 shi4) is a matador, who will represent 斗 when used as component.

The matador (斗) and Don Quixote (d) are fighting (斗) in the outhouse's bathroom (ou4) about who may use the bathroom next. The matador yields a holy cross (十) as a weapon, while Don Quixote (d) wisely chose a blossom (⺀) to cushion the crosses' blows.
surname Niu
ox / cow / bull / CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2] / newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿[niu2 dun4]) / (slang) awesome

= 𠂉 + : A bull has been locked to a big cross in the outhouse's kitchen, and Nefertiti has the key. She promises to free the bull if he pledges allegiance to her leadership.
branch / stem / stalk / CL:根[gen1] / to block / to hinder / (neologism that evolved from 哏[gen2], initially in Taiwan, during the first decade of the 21st century) memorable creative idea (joke, catchphrase, meme, neologism, witty remark etc) / prominent feature of a creative work (punchline of a joke, trope in a drama, special ingredient in a dish, riff in a pop song etc)

Words with 鬥牛梗

鬥牛梗 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 鬥牛梗

鬥牛梗 currently does not appear in any sentence.