
Mawei naval base at Fuzhou city (in Qing times)

Characters and words in 马尾军港

surname Ma / abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4]
horse / CL:匹[pi3] / horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess / knight in Western chess

= + + : A beautiful unicorn rides on top of Mahatma Gandhi in the ashram.
Mawei district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian
ponytail (hairstyle) / horse's tail / slender fibers like horse's tail (applies to various plants)
tail / remainder / remnant / extremity / sixth of the 28 constellations / classifier for fish

= + : Willy Walrus (w) knows that there is a ghost (尸) in the Eiffel Tower (ei3), but he cannot see it, so he set up a trap: he put a lot of sticky hair (毛) everywhere, and eventually the hair stuck to the ghost's tail (尾). Now that Willy Walrus can see where the ghost is he is able to drive it out.
horse's tail / pointed posterior section of a locust etc
(bound form) army / military

= + : As a component in other characters: a general.

Zeus is driving a car in front of the restaurant. It's a cabriolet, so he uses a cooking top to protect himself from the weather. With the cooking top on his head, he looks kinda like a weird general.
naval port / naval base
Hong Kong, abbr. for 香港[Xiang1 gang3] / surname Gang

= + : Guy Fawkes (g) visits a secret small alley (巷) in the anglepod (ang3) and finds a small boat made out of water bottles (氵) in a small harbor (港). He pays the skipper some money to deliver water bottles to his secret lair.
harbor / port / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + : Guy Fawkes (g) visits a secret small alley (巷) in the anglepod (ang3) and finds a small boat made out of water bottles (氵) in a small harbor (港). He pays the skipper some money to deliver water bottles to his secret lair.
Hong Kong (abbr. for 香港[Xiang1 gang3]) / surname Gang

Words with 马尾军港

马尾军港 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 马尾军港

马尾军港 currently does not appear in any sentence.