
to be in debt / to incur debts / liability (finance)

Characters and words in 负债

to bear / to carry (on one's back) / to turn one's back on / to be defeated / negative (math. etc)

= + : Mnemonic symbol: an opossum (负鼠) who carries her babies on her back.

A few pals practice their cosplay on the space station's bathroom. They want to reenact the town musicians of Bremen, and so Frieda Fuchs stands at the bottom, the crab is on top of Frieda, the crane is on top of the crab, the opossum is on top of the crane, and the opossum carries her babies on her back.
debt / CL:筆|笔[bi3]

= + : James II of England (zh) had a great party. He wakes up in the airplane's bathroom (ai4) still wearing his party hat (责) to a very angry Rosa Luxemburg (亻) who wants to claim Jame II's debt (债).

Words with 负债

Sentences with 负债

负债 currently does not appear in any sentence.