
Characters and words in 谱学

chart / list / table / register / score (music) / spectrum (physics) / to set to music

= + : Petra Penguin (pu) is having Sputnik (普) chart the spectra (谱) he recorded draw on an advertising column (讠) in the space station (Ø3). Petra will use this information to create a musical score (谱).
to learn / to study / to imitate / science / -ology

= + + : Xu Xian wants to study scienceology and learn more about daisies. Just inside the elevator's kitchen, he put some daisies into a prize cup and covered them with a cooking top. He wants to study the growth rate of the daisies depending on the pH of the water in the prize cup.

Words with 谱学

Sentences with 谱学

谱学 currently does not appear in any sentence.