
replica / reproduction

Characters and words in 复制品

to go and return / to return / to resume / to return to a normal or original state / to repeat / again / to recover / to restore / to turn over / to reply / to answer / to reply to a letter / to retaliate / to carry out

= 𠂉 + + : Mnemonic symbol: a photocopier.

Frieda Fox (fu) and the sun (日) have to wear high heels (夂) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). The high heels are locked, and they only have one key (𠂉). They know that the key is very fragile and can only be used once, so they use a photocopier (复) to create more keys so that both of them can be freed.

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a shrine of rejuvenation.

Frieda Fox (fu) only has an old photocopy (复) of her favorite black sneaker (彳). She restores (復) her sneakers to the original state by putting the old photocopy into the shrine of rejuvenation (復) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4).
to repeat / to double / to overlap / complex (not simple) / compound / composite / double / diplo- / duplicate / overlapping / to duplicate

= 𠂉 + + : Mnemonic symbol: a photocopier.

Frieda Fox (fu) and the sun (日) have to wear high heels (夂) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). The high heels are locked, and they only have one key (𠂉). They know that the key is very fragile and can only be used once, so they use a photocopier (复) to create more keys so that both of them can be freed.
variant of 復|复[fu4] / to reply to a letter

= 𠂉 + + : Mnemonic symbol: a photocopier.

Frieda Fox (fu) and the sun (日) have to wear high heels (夂) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). The high heels are locked, and they only have one key (𠂉). They know that the key is very fragile and can only be used once, so they use a photocopier (复) to create more keys so that both of them can be freed.

= + : Frieda Fox (fu) wants to use the shrine of rejuvenation (復) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4), but someone has been using it for one hundred years already. First, Frieda uses knuckle dusters (覀) to knock the person over the head, but as he doesn't wake up Frieda looses her patience completely and just overthrows (覆) the whole shrine, throwing out the person.
to duplicate / to make a copy of / to copy / to reproduce / to clone
system / to control / to regulate / variant of 製|制[zhi4]
to manufacture / to make

= + + : James II of England (zh) and the bull (牛) have to work in a sweatshop in the space station's bathroom (Ø4) where they manufacture (制) one printed circuit board (制) after the other. Their only tools are kitchen knives (刂) with which they carve the boards. They sweat a lot, so each of them has a towel (巾) wrapped around their neck.
products / goods
(bound form) article; commodity; product; goods / (bound form) grade; rank / kind; type; variety / character; disposition; nature; temperament / to taste sth; to sample / to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up / fret (on a guitar or lute)

= : Pocahontas (pi) is watching a pyramid of oranges (mnemonic symbol for 品) in the encampment's living room ((e)n3). She wants to sample (品) one, and just as she takes one from the base, the whole commodity (品) collapses.

Words with 复制品

复制品 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 复制品

复制品 currently does not appear in any sentence.