
Characters and words in 细胞毒性

thin or slender / finely particulate / thin and soft / fine / delicate / trifling / (of a sound) quiet / frugal

= + : Marie Curie inspects her farm in the space station's bathroom. She set up a field where innocent silk worms have to die only for the production of fine and slender silk threads.
cell (biology)
placenta / womb / born of the same parents

= + : The moon (月) got a child in front of the aorta (ao1). Beelzebub (b) finds that the placenta (胞) is a small moon cake, which he places in his colorful handbag (包) for later.
poison / to poison / poisonous / malicious / cruel / fierce / narcotics

= + : Sometimes even Gaia (母) is one of the bad guys. Just inside the entrance of the space station (Ø2) she gives a poisoned apple (毒) to Doggy Dog (du) wearing a fancy headdress (龶).
nature / character / property / quality / attribute / sexuality / sex / gender / suffix forming adjective from verb / suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity / essence / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + : Marie Curie had a strong character since she was little. Even in her cradle in the engine's bathroom she was only playing with a flail.

Words with 细胞毒性

细胞毒性 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 细胞毒性

细胞毒性 currently does not appear in any sentence.