Pinyin "cu1"

In MandarinBanana's mnemonic system, the Pinyin syllable "cu1" is split up into two parts: "cu" and "Ø1". You can visit the Pinyin index to see how other Pinyin syllables are split up into initials and finals.

Mnemonics for Pinyin initial "cu"

Cu is for Kitty Cat.

Mnemonics for Pinyin final "Ø1"

In front of the space station.

Characters pronounced cu1

coarse / rough / thick (for cylindrical objects) / unfinished / vulgar / rude / crude

= + : Kitty Cat (cu) wants to store her sacks of rice (米) in a shelf (且) in front of the space station (Ø1), but the sacks are too thick (粗) and do not fit.
remote / distant / variant of 粗[cu1]
variant of 粗[cu1]
variant of 麤|粗[cu1]
variant of 粗[cu1]