to estimate / to select

铨 character breakdown

surname Quan
all / whole / entire / every / complete

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a whole-wheat bread.

= + : Just inside the anthill's kitchen, Neanderthal Man, Martin Luther King and Cupid have gathered for a world record attempt. They want to eat a whole 100 kg whole-wheat bread in under one hour.
Character component without intrinsic meaning

Mnemonic symbol: a golden harpoon.

Characters with 铨 as component

铨 is not used as a component in another character.

Words with 铨

Hu Quan (1102-1180), Song Dynasty official and poet
to measure and select talents
Jiang Shiquan (1725-1784), Qing poet, one of Three great poets of the Qianlong era 乾嘉三大家
Ministry of Civil Service, Taiwan

Sentences with 铨

铨 currently does not appear in any sentence.