to examine / to judge

諟 character breakdown

variant of 是[shi4] / (used in given names)
words / speech / to say / to talk

= + + : The horizontal lines look like sound waves that emerge from an opening: I'll resemble 言 by a megaphone.

= + + : Maud Younger rushes into anthill and in the kitchen she uses a megaphone to loudly announce that the world revolution will soon start. She also tells the people that she has berets for everyone so that everyone will be able to be in style for the revolution. However she doesn't tell that she prepared the berets in another way: to each beret, she attached a mandarin via two capacitors which forms a formidable antenna, so that after the revolution, she'll be able to transmit her speeches directly to the wearers' brains.
to be (followed by substantives only) / correct; right; true / (respectful acknowledgement of a command) very well / (adverb for emphatic assertion)

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a skull, from "to be or not to be".

Sherlock Holmes (sh) starts his day in the space station's bathroom (Ø4) with a mug of coffee (旦). Holding a skull (mnemonic symbol for 是) in his hands, he asks himself "to be, or not to be" (是). He wonders if he can make the skull come back to life using lots of coffee, and injects coffee from his mug into the skull using a syringe (龰).

= + + : Mnemonic symbol: a skull, from "to be or not to be".

Sherlock Holmes (sh) watches the Neanderthal Man (人) trying to climb to the sun (日) on a ladder (下) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). Sherlock is afraid that he'll open the window, so he puts on a big skull (是) and scares him off.

Characters with 諟 as component

諟 is not used as a component in another character.

Words with 諟

諟 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 諟

諟 currently does not appear in any sentence.