sparse and clear

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a sparse (which means most elements are zero) matrix. The character 㸚 itself looks like a matrix. Li Qingzhao (li) is developing a new notation in the space station's living room (Ø3) where she notes down a sparse matrix (㸚) using the solid and broken lines of the eight trigrams (爻).
to stop / to connect

㸚 character breakdown

the solid and broken lines of the eight trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], e.g. ☶

= + : Maud Younger (y) is carving the lines of several trigrams (爻) into the floor of the aorta's kitchen (ao2). She is doing so using two pliers (乂).

Characters with 㸚 as component

bright / clear / crisp / open / frank / straightforward / to feel well / fine / pleasurable / invigorating / to deviate

= + : Sheldon Shrimp (shu) explores the anglepod's living room (ang3) and bumps into a hostile robot (大). As the robot is about to charge at him Sheldon quickly throws a bunch of pliers (㸚) at him. The robot eats the pliers and thinks they are quite crisp (爽) and refreshing (爽).

Words with 㸚

㸚 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 㸚

㸚 currently does not appear in any sentence.