Pinyin "sun1"

In MandarinBanana's mnemonic system, the Pinyin syllable "sun1" is split up into two parts: "su" and "(e)n1". You can visit the Pinyin index to see how other Pinyin syllables are split up into initials and finals.

Mnemonics for Pinyin initial "su"

Su is for Susan Saint Bernard.

Mnemonics for Pinyin final "(e)n1"

In front of the encampment.

Characters pronounced sun1

surname Sun

= + : Susan Saint Bernard (su) was lucky enough to catch and eat a mosquito (孑) in front of the encampment ((e)n1), but two weeks later, the mosquito's grandson (孙) comes to fight Susan Saint Bernard and avenge the death of his grandfather. Susan Saint Bernard is a little embarrassed and offers a daisy (小) as peace offering.
grandson / descendant

= + : Susan Saint Bernard (su) was lucky enough to catch and eat a mosquito (孑) in front of the encampment ((e)n1), but two weeks later, the mosquito's grandson (孙) comes to fight Susan Saint Bernard and avenge the death of his grandfather. Susan Saint Bernard is a little embarrassed and offers a daisy (小) as peace offering.
fragrant grass
to rub with the hand / to stroke
variant of 飧[sun1]
(literary) supper