Pinyin "nu4"

In MandarinBanana's mnemonic system, the Pinyin syllable "nu4" is split up into two parts: "nu" and "Ø4". You can visit the Pinyin index to see how other Pinyin syllables are split up into initials and finals.

Mnemonics for Pinyin initial "nu"

Nu is for Nelson Newt.

Mnemonics for Pinyin final "Ø4"

In the space station's bathroom.

Characters pronounced nu4

anger / fury / flourishing / vigorous

= + : Nelson Newt (nu) is angrily (怒) shouting at his slave (奴) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). The slave thinks how heartless Nelson Newt is. Indeed, a long time ago the slave stole Nelson Newt's heart (心) to use it one day in an escape plan.