Pinyin "nong2"

In MandarinBanana's mnemonic system, the Pinyin syllable "nong2" is split up into two parts: "nu" and "(e)ng2". You can visit the Pinyin index to see how other Pinyin syllables are split up into initials and finals.

Mnemonics for Pinyin initial "nu"

Nu is for Nelson Newt.

Mnemonics for Pinyin final "(e)ng2"

In the engine's kitchen.

Characters pronounced nong2

surname Nong

= + 𧘇 : Nelson Newt (nu) started a monoculture (农) in the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). He set up melon plants on top of the stones, and the melons are hanging down to the sides. Just above the melons he set up cooking tops (冖) to provide some shade. To water his plants, he has to climb up a step ladder (𧘇).
variant of 農|农[nong2]

= + 𧘇 : Nelson Newt (nu) started a monoculture (农) in the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). He set up melon plants on top of the stones, and the melons are hanging down to the sides. Just above the melons he set up cooking tops (冖) to provide some shade. To water his plants, he has to climb up a step ladder (𧘇).
peasant / to farm / agriculture / diligent (old) / government field official (old)

= + 𧘇 : Nelson Newt (nu) started a monoculture (农) in the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). He set up melon plants on top of the stones, and the melons are hanging down to the sides. Just above the melons he set up cooking tops (冖) to provide some shade. To water his plants, he has to climb up a step ladder (𧘇).
concentrated / dense / strong (smell etc)

= + : Nelson Newt (nu) is watering his monoculture (农) in the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). He added a lot of fertilizer to the water in his water bottle (氵) and as he empties the bottle a thick (浓) fog with a strong (浓) smell is emerging from the liquid.
you (Wu dialect) / I, me (classical)
(dialect) to burn / to scorch
lush flora
bright light / warm dress
concentrated / strong wine