Pinyin "men4"

In MandarinBanana's mnemonic system, the Pinyin syllable "men4" is split up into two parts: "m" and "(e)n4". You can visit the Pinyin index to see how other Pinyin syllables are split up into initials and finals.

Mnemonics for Pinyin initial "m"

M is for Mahatma Gandhi.

Mnemonics for Pinyin final "(e)n4"

In the encampment's bathroom.

Characters pronounced men4

bored / depressed / melancholy / sealed / airtight / tightly closed

= + : Mahatma Gandhi (m) lost his heart (心) when he accidentally dropped it through a trap door (门) in the floor of the encampment ((e)n4). As soon as the heart fell through, the door closed very tightly (闷) which makes Mahatma Gandhi quite depressed (闷).
to cook in a covered vessel / to casserole / to stew