Pinyin "kang1"

In MandarinBanana's mnemonic system, the Pinyin syllable "kang1" is split up into two parts: "k" and "ang1". You can visit the Pinyin index to see how other Pinyin syllables are split up into initials and finals.

Mnemonics for Pinyin initial "k"

K is for Karl Marx.

Mnemonics for Pinyin final "ang1"

In front of the anglepod.

Characters pronounced kang1

surname Kang

= 广 + : Both Karl Marx (k) and the seated scribe (隶) are not the youngest ones around anymore. To proof themselves that they are still very fit and healthy (康), they skydive (广) and land in front of the anglepod (ang1). As they are just about to touch the ground they high-five.
healthy / peaceful / abundant

= 广 + : Both Karl Marx (k) and the seated scribe (隶) are not the youngest ones around anymore. To proof themselves that they are still very fit and healthy (康), they skydive (广) and land in front of the anglepod (ang1). As they are just about to touch the ground they high-five.
generous / magnanimous

= + : Although Karl Marx (k) is already very old, he is still quite healthy (康) and so generously (慷) distributes flails (忄) to fight capitalism with in front of the anglepod (ang1).
see 鮟鱇|𩽾𩾌[an1 kang1]
husk / (of a radish etc) spongy (and therefore unappetising)
variant of 糠[kang1]
old variant of 糠[kang1]
empty space inside a building
in 閌閬|闶阆, open space in a structure