Pinyin "huan1"

In MandarinBanana's mnemonic system, the Pinyin syllable "huan1" is split up into two parts: "hu" and "an1". You can visit the Pinyin index to see how other Pinyin syllables are split up into initials and finals.

Mnemonics for Pinyin initial "hu"

Hu is for Helga Horse.

Mnemonics for Pinyin final "an1"

In front of the anthill.

Characters pronounced huan1

joyous / happy / pleased

= + : Helga Horse has not been boxing for a long time and is overjoyed to find a pair of boxing gloves just in front of the anthill. Not thinking twice she picks up the gloves and rushes to the next fitness center, leaving an IOU note behind for the owner of the gloves to find.
a breed of horse / variant of 歡|欢[huan1]

= + : Helga Horse has not been boxing for a long time and is overjoyed to find a pair of boxing gloves just in front of the anthill. Not thinking twice she picks up the gloves and rushes to the next fitness center, leaving an IOU note behind for the owner of the gloves to find.
variant of 歡|欢[huan1]

= + : Helga Horse has not been boxing for a long time and is overjoyed to find a pair of boxing gloves just in front of the anthill. Not thinking twice she picks up the gloves and rushes to the next fitness center, leaving an IOU note behind for the owner of the gloves to find.
hubbub / clamor / variant of 歡|欢[huan1]

= + : Helga Horse has not been boxing for a long time and is overjoyed to find a pair of boxing gloves just in front of the anthill. Not thinking twice she picks up the gloves and rushes to the next fitness center, leaving an IOU note behind for the owner of the gloves to find.
variant of 獾[huan1]
variant of 獾[huan1]
old variant of 歡|欢[huan1]