Pinyin "ang2"

In MandarinBanana's mnemonic system, the Pinyin syllable "ang2" is split up into two parts: "Ø" and "ang2". You can visit the Pinyin index to see how other Pinyin syllables are split up into initials and finals.

Mnemonics for Pinyin initial "Ø"

"Ø" (nothing or null) is for Albert Einstein.

Mnemonics for Pinyin final "ang2"

In the anglepod's kitchen.

Characters pronounced ang2

surname Ang

= + : Mnemonic symbol: as a variant of 昂, I'll choose Erich Honecker, 昂纳克, as representative for 卬.

Erich Honecker (卬) and Albert Einstein (Ø) find a heavy metal box (匚) just inside the anglepod's kitchen (ang2). As they open it they hope to find a hidden treasure, but instead they find a super cute baby seal (卩).
I (regional colloquial) / me / variant of 昂[ang2]

= + : Mnemonic symbol: as a variant of 昂, I'll choose Erich Honecker, 昂纳克, as representative for 卬.

Erich Honecker (卬) and Albert Einstein (Ø) find a heavy metal box (匚) just inside the anglepod's kitchen (ang2). As they open it they hope to find a hidden treasure, but instead they find a super cute baby seal (卩).
to lift / to raise / to raise one's head / high / high spirits / soaring / expensive

= + : Erich Honecker (卬) lifts (昂) the sun (日) right over the anglepod's kitchen (ang2). To reach up high enough, he in turn is lifted up (昂) by Albert Einstein (Ø).
variant of 昂[ang2]