surname Rui

芮 character breakdown

inside / inner / internal / within / interior

= + : Mnemonic symbol: A CT scanner to see inside of someone.

= + : Napoleon just can't find his stapler and suspects that Neanderthal Man has eaten it. Not thinking twice he orders Neanderthal Man to enter his CT scanner in the Eiffel Tower's bathroom, finding his stapler in Neanderthal Man's stomach.
grass radical 草字頭兒|草字头儿[cao3 zi4 tou2 r5]

Artificial lawn. The King of Chu burns artificial lawn in the aorta.

Characters with 芮 as component

芮 is not used as a component in another character.

Words with 芮

Ruicheng county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi
Ruicheng county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi
Richter (scale) / Richter (name)

Sentences with 芮

芮 currently does not appear in any sentence.