beautiful / bright / splendid / smilingly

粲 character breakdown

The character 粲 cannot be broken down into individual components.

Characters with 粲 as component

glorious / bright / brilliant / lustrous / resplendent

= + : The King of Chu (c) is forging his fork (山) using a fire (火) in the anthill's bathroom (an4). The metal is sparkling (灿) in many different colors and the King of Chu enjoys the glorious (灿) appearance.
gem / luster of gem

Words with 粲

charm quark (particle physics)
clear and bright / with a big smile
Wang Can (177-217), poet, generally regarded as the most brilliant of "the seven masters of Jian'an" 建安[Jian4 an1]

Sentences with 粲

粲 currently does not appear in any sentence.