happy / used in historical names

禑 character breakdown

to show / to reveal

= + : A standard or guidon, as used in the military. Sherlock Holmes tries out his new guidon in the space station's bathroom. The standard features a capacitor and a daisy.
archaic variant of 偶[ou3]
ancient area
legendary monkey of ancient China

= + : Mnemonic symbol: 禺狨王

Yu the Great (yu) wanted to rally against the terrible reign of 禺狨王, but he found out about it. In the space station's bathroom (Ø4), he finds Yu the Great and tramples (禸) on her protest placard (甲).

Characters with 禑 as component

禑 is not used as a component in another character.

Words with 禑

禑 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 禑

禑 currently does not appear in any sentence.