surname Qiu

盚 character breakdown

to seek / to look for / to request / to demand / to beseech

= : Mnemonic symbol: a service request bell. You know, the kind you find in a hotel on a service counter.

= : In the outhouse's kitchen, the Queen of Hearts sees a diamond ring and wants to have it immediately. Determined she rings the service bell endlessly to request the immediate handover.
dish / vessel / shallow container / rad. no. 108

Marilyn Monroe is eating some rice out of a shallow bowl in the encampment.
(bound form) dish; vessel; shallow container / radical no. 108

Characters with 盚 as component

盚 is not used as a component in another character.

Words with 盚

盚 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 盚

盚 currently does not appear in any sentence.