surname Yi

扆 character breakdown

a household / door / family

= + : Helga Horse (hu) is being attacked by a ghost (尸) with a big petal leaf (丶) on his head in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). She's fighting him off using a wooden swinging door (户).

= + : Helga Horse's (hu) family (戶) is visiting her in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). For dinner, Helga prepared a ton of bananas (⺁) and a mandarin (口) on top.
clothes / CL:件[jian4] / Kangxi radical 145

= 𧘇 + : Mnemonic symbol: kilt.

= 𧘇 + : In front of the space station, Maud Younger doesn't have a wardrobe, but just a step ladder. It's still enough for her kilt though, which she can just put over the ladder so that it doesn't lose its form, and her beret, which she puts on top of the ladder.
to dress / to wear / to put on (clothes)

Characters with 扆 as component

扆 is not used as a component in another character.

Words with 扆

扆 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 扆

扆 currently does not appear in any sentence.