see 武士彠|武士彟[Wu3 Shi4 huo4] / old variant of 蒦[huo4]

彠 character breakdown

to search / to look for / to seek

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a dowsing rod 寻水术. Not to be confused with 丫!

Xu Xian (xu) built a new dowsing rod (寻) which he tests just inside the Erechtheion's entrance ((e)n2). He prepared a huge pig snout (彐) of which he filled one nostril with water and one with wine. To his satisfaction, the dowsing rod reacts only to the wine, so he thumbs up (寸) satisfied. He'll go and search (寻) more wine with it immediately.
(archaic) to measure / yardstick / a standard
(archaic) to measure

Characters with 彠 as component

彠 is not used as a component in another character.

Words with 彠

Wu Shihuo (7th century), father of Tang empress Wu Zetian 武則天|武则天

Sentences with 彠

彠 currently does not appear in any sentence.